The animal-habitat relationships and seasonal dynamics of the benthic
macroinfauna were investigated from November 1986 to October 1988 in t
he Great Sippewissett salt marsh (Massachusetts, USA), Total macrofaun
al abundance varied seasonally, displaying a peak in late spring and e
arly summer, then declining sharply during late summer and recovering
briefly in fall before collapsing in winter. Three macroinfaunal assem
blages were found in the marsh, distributed along gradients of environ
mental factors. These included a sandy non-organic sediment assemblage
, a sandy organic sediment assemblage and a muddy sediment assemblage.
The species groups characteristic of unstable sandy non-organic sedim
ents included the polychaetes Leitoscoloplos fragilis, Aricidea jefrey
ssi, Magelona rosea and Streptosyllis verrilli, the oligochaete Parana
is litoralis, and the crustacean Acanthohaustorius millsi. Sandy organ
ic sediments were characterized by the polychaetes Marenzelleria virid
is, Capitella capitata, Neanthes succinea, N. arenaceodonta, Polydora
ligni and Heteromastus filiformis, the oligochaete Lumbricillus sp., a
nd the mollusc Gemma gemma. In muddy sites, the polychaete Streblospio
benedicti and the oligochaetes Paranais litoralis and Monopylephorus
evertus were the dominant species. Secondary production of benthic mac
roinfauna in each of these habitats was estimated. The highest values
of biomass and production were recorded in the sandy organic sediments
. Secondary production was estimated to be 1850 kJ m(-2) yr(-1) in san
dy organic areas, but only 281 kJ m(-2) yr(-1) in sandy non-organic ar
eas and 113 kJ m(-2) yr(-1) in muddy areas. This results in an area-we
ighted average production of 505 kJ m(-2) yr(-1) for the unvegetated a
reas of the marsh. The Great Sippewissett salt marsh has an area of 48
3 800 m(2), the total secondary production of the macroinfauna for the
whole unvegetated area of the marsh was estimated as 4651 kg dry wt y
r(-1), expressed as somatic growth. This production value seems consis
tent with production data obtained for other intertidal North Atlantic