The Waiotapu geothermal system occupies the central part of the Taupo
Volcanic Zone (TVZ). With a surface area of 17 km(2) and a natural hea
t discharge rate of some 550 MW, it is one of the largest in New Zeala
nd. Between 1957 and 1962 seven wells were drilled to a maximum depth
of about 1000 m. The highest temperature measured in these wells was 2
95 degrees C. In contrast to most other geothermal systems of the TVZ,
the rising plume of hot water shows a pronounced lateral component du
e to the position of the system on the flanks of a hydrological high.
The presence of thermal features generally associated with rising vapo
urs, such as fumaroles, mud peals and acid sulphate springs, suggests
that the major upflow of hot water occurs over the northern sector of
the field, close to two rhyo-dacite domes. The magma bodies associated
with these domes may represent the heat sources for the system. Neutr
al CI waters are discharged some 4 ion to the south from a series of b
oiling springs and a large, sub-circular pool occupying a hydrothermal
explosion crater (Champagne Pool). The chemical and isotopic composit
ions of Champagne Pool water reflect extensive non-equilibrium evapora
tion of a deep water with delta(2)H = -40 parts per thousand and delta
(18)O = -2.5 parts per thousand, in a process similar to that governin
g evaporation from steam-heated pools. The CI content of the parent wa
ter is 1250 mg/kg, its CO2 content is, at about 0.1 mmol/mol or 240 mg
/kg, very low. The S-34 content of H2S corresponds to +5.3+/-1.0 parts
per thousand, and the C-13 content of CO2 to -7.3+/-1.2 parts per tho
usand. Geochemical evidence suggests that the Waiotapu system is linke
d hydrologically to its neighbouring systems Reporoa and Waikite. Each
of these, however, is likely to receive additional input of heat and
chemicals from separate sources.