Unfertilized eggs of Oryzias latipes were artificially inseminated and
incubated at 26+/-1 degrees C. Careful observation of the process of
embryonic development by light microscopy allowed division of the proc
ess into 39 stages based on diagnostic features of the developing embr
yos. The principal diagnostic features are the number and size of blas
tomeres, form of blastoderm, extent of epiboly, development of the cen
tral nervous system, number and form of somites, optic and otic develo
pment, development of the notocord, heart development, blood circulati
on, the size and movement of the body, development of the tail, membra
nous fin development, and development of such viscera as the liver, ga
llbladder, gut tube, spleen and swim (air) bladder. After hatching, de
velopment of the larvae (fry) and young can be divided into five stage
s based on such diagnostic features as fins, scales and the secondary
sexual characteristics.