PowerGen is a UK electricity generating company which operates some 16
GW of plant burning coal, oil, orimulsion and gas. The scientific and
technical support necessary to maintain the efficient, cost-effective
operation of these stations is provided from the Power Technology Cen
tre,, based near Nottingham. The Centre has been partially active in t
he field of boiler tube failure control; developing an unrivalled expe
rtise through a highly interactive approach with stations over many ye
ars. Fundamental understanding of tube failures has been further enhan
ced through the development of a tube failure database in the early 19
70s, one of the first to be established worldwide. This has also encou
raged a proactive approach to the problem through the early identifica
tion of emerging generic problems, whether associated with design, ope
ration or maintenance policy, allowing optimum replacement strategies
to be defined. This paper seeks to highlight the integral role of NDT
in formulating structured maintenance strategies to achieve reductions
in boiler tube failures.