Various perfluorinated materials are used at the Princeton Plasma Phys
ics Laboratory in support of the Deuterium-Tritium experimental progra
m on the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR). For example, SF6 is used
as a high dielectric gaseous insulator in the Neutral Beam sources, an
d Krytox(R), a perfluorinated polyether, is used as a lubricant in vac
uum pumping systems. Each of these materials is robust and stable in t
he applications for which they are designed but may be a source of tro
uble when used in tritium systems. This paper reports on the observati
ons made and experience gained operating tritium systems under conditi
ons which degrade these perfluorinated materials. The possible degrada
tion mechanisms and products are described, and the effect on the equi
pment and instrumentation is described, These observations have led to
the conclusion that under certain circumstances perfluorinated materi
als are not suited for tritium service because of the degradation prod
ucts from tritium decay and/or process conditions.