Work-related respiratory symptoms and bronchial reactivity were studie
d in 76 never-smoking farmers and in a control group not exposed to or
ganic dusts. The farmers were divided into those working with vegetabl
es/grain crops, animals but not swine, and with swine. The extent of s
ymptoms was evaluated using a specific organic dust questionnaire. Bro
nchial reactivity was assessed with the methacholine challenge test. A
n in creased incidence of organic dust toxic syndrome (ODTS), mucous m
embrane irritation (MMI), and chronic bronchitis (CB) was found among
farmers working with swine or other animals. Pulmonary function baseli
ne values were normal. Bronchial reactivity was increased and related
to subjective symptoms of MMI and CB. There was also a relation betwee
n fatigue at work and bronchial reactivity. (C) 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.