Despite considerable progress in both diagnostic studies and therapeut
ic management serious complications of infectious endocarditis have be
come rather more common. Next to intracardiac complications arterial e
mbolization to the central nervous system is the second most common li
fe-threatening event, which might lead to infarction, hemorrhage, myco
tic aneurysm and/or metastatic infection with a wide spectrum of neuro
logical symptoms and an overall very poor prognosis. The most effectiv
e prevention of neurological complications is the early diagnosis of i
nfectious endocarditis with isolation of the infecting agent and adqua
te antimicrobial chemotherapy in combination with well-timed cardiosur
gical measures. Computed tomography and cerebral angiography is mandat
ory in any patient with neurological symptoms to check the need for a
neurosurgical intervention as well as in patients assigned for anticoa
gulation for cardiac reasons.