A multilevel soliton communication system is proposed and assessed. In
this system, at the transmitter end each channel transmits its data v
ia fundamental solitons with a prespecified amplitude (i.e. soliton wi
dth). At the receiver end we take advantage of the sensitive relations
hip between the amount of fundamental soliton self-wavelength shift an
d the width of the soliton in the subpicosecond region. We first compr
ess the incoming soliton pulses to the subpicosecond level and pass th
em through a short length of fiber at the end of which the pulses have
become separated in the wavelength domain since each soliton, corresp
onding to a data channel, has experienced a different Raman self-wavel
ength shift. The channels are then easily separated by optical fitters
. We have derived the design constraint relations for such a system. W
e have then heuristically designed a 40 Gbs (four channels) system for
a 1000 km propagation distance (total data-rate distance product of 4
0 Tb/km). Numerical simulations and noise analyses have verified the f
easibility and practicality of the proposed system with very good desi
gn margins. The wavelength jitter is found to be much smaller than the
desired filter spacing, and thus its contribution to the bit error ra
te is negligible. We also argue that the system is more tolerant to Go
rdon-Haus timing jitter than conventional TDM soliton systems. The sys
tem is all fiber and is, therefore, very cost effective as it does not
require sophisticated electrooptic and microwave circuits for demulti
plexing. The system can potentially operate at much higher speeds than
those achievable in conventional soliton systems and it can be used i
n parallel with WDM soliton system.