We explore ''quantum cosmological gravity,'' or quantum general relati
vity with a nonzero cosmological constant. It is explained why and how
QCG can be used reliably in the far infrared, despite the absence of
renormalizability. We show that loop corrections to positive Lambda QC
G mediate powerful infrared effects for two reasons: first, the theory
allows massless gravitons to self-interact via a coupling of dimensio
n three; second, the inflationary redshift of the classical background
progressively increases the population of soft gravitons. One consequ
ence is that QCG must eventually dominate the physics of inflation wit
h respect to any phenomenologically confirmed theory, no matter how mu
ch stronger the nongravitational couplings may seem. Another consequen
ce is that the graviton's on-shell self-energy is negative and infrare
d divergent at one loop, thereby inducing a negative infrared divergen
ce in the two-loop vacuum energy. We analyze these effects in the cont
ext of causal evolution from an initial patch of one Hubble volume whi
ch begins inflation at finite times in one of the homogeneous and isot
ropic Fock states of free QCG. Up to some tedious but probably managea
ble tenser algebra we show that quantum infrared effects exert an ever
increasing drag on the background's expansion for as long as perturba
tion theory remains valid. A rough estimate of the relaxation time is
easily consistent with enough inflation to solve the smoothness proble
m. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.