Solutions and mechanical treatments for decolorizing and washing of co
llagen from plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) skin were studied. The best
means was high-speed homogenization with 0.4M NaCl. Four ways of stab
ilizing this collagen were tried, involving freezing and freeze-drying
, and partial solubilization with 0.05M acetic acid prior to freezing
or freeze drying or without partial solubilization. Only freeze-drying
caused reduction in solubility and emulsifying capacity. Viscosity wa
s greatest when samples were pre-solubilized. Emulsifying capacity was
not; changed when samples were frozen and decreased when they were ei
ther freeze-dried or presolubilized. Optimum water-holding capacity oc
curred in samples which had been previously solubilized.