High resolution shallow water side-scan sonars are mapping instruments
that produce detailed images of the seafloor over which they are towe
d. Side-scan sonars are used for a variety of applications, including
geologic surveying and minehunting. Raw side-scan data, stored on digi
tal tape, contains many geometric and radiometric errors. Post-process
ing corrects these errors and maximizes the usefulness of the data. Th
e Borland PASCAL program SIDESCAN has been developed for sonograph dis
play and analysis. The program runs on standard MS-DOS microcomputers
and displays fully corrected image segments and mosaics. Merging satel
lite navigation data with the side scan imagery yields ground register
ed images, allowing a user to accurately locate (in latitude/longitude
corrdinates) and measures any bottom feature or overlay bathymetric c
ontours. A digital image of the Severn River bottom demonstrates the p
ower of the process.