This work contributes to the growth of bulk crystals where crystals ar
e grown from a molten-solution zone (MSZ). Our original modifications
of THM have been used for a crystallization of GaSb and of (Ga.In)Sb -
the ternary Solid Solution (TSS). The crystallization process has bee
n accelerated with a low frequency and low energy vibrational stirring
(VS). Lately, the stirring has been combined with the magneto-hydrody
namical stirring (MHD-S) and applied on GaSb. The lattice parameter 'a
' of TSS crystals has been constant throughout the significant part of
the ingot length. This approach has permitted the growth of these cry
stalline ingots;with 'a' apriori chosen and calculated - having the de
viation from its constancy less than 0.03% (0.2 pm) with a 75 mm lengt
h. Crystals can have a mosaic structure at this stage.