In the ferret (Mustela putorius) the map of auditory space in the deep
er layers of the superior colliculus (SC) matures over a period of sev
eral postnatal weeks, a process known to be guided by both visual and
auditory experience. The auditory responses are initially very broadly
tuned, and gradually become more selective for specific sound locatio
ns that coincide with the visual receptive fields recorded in the same
region of the SC. To investigate the possible involvement of NMDA-typ
e glutamate receptors in the postnatal development of this auditory re
presentation, we have reared ferrets in which 400 mu m thick sheets of
the slow-release polymer Elvax, containing the NMDA receptor antagoni
sts MK801 or APV, were placed on the dorsal surface of the SC. The Elv
ax was implanted on postnatal day (P) 25-27, just before the onset of
hearing, and removed 5-6 weeks later, just prior to recording from the
SC on around P61-70. In vitro measurements with Elvax containing H-3-
MK801 revealed that the amount of drug released declined sharply over
the first 10 d and then stabilized at a fairly constant rate for the f
ollowing 5 weeks. These in vitro data were found to parallel the in vi
vo release of MK801 from implanted Elvax slices. Diffusion of MK801 fr
om the implant was measured and significant levels were found within 8
00 mu m of the SC surface, suggesting that the action of MK801 was res
tricted to the superficial and intermediate layers of the nucleus. Ext
racellular recordings were made from visual and auditory units in the
SC in response to free-field stimulation. The visual responses of unit
s recorded in the superficial layers appeared to be unaffected by eith
er of the drug treatments, and formed a normal, adult-like map of visu
al azimuth along the rostrocaudal axis of the SC in all animals. Most
of the auditory single-unit responses recorded at this age in normal,
unoperated controls were spatially tuned and topographically organized
, although the map of sound azimuth was less precise than that in adul
t ferrets. Data from age-matched control animals that had been reared
with drug-free Elvax implants were not statistically different from th
e unoperated juvenile ferrets. However, in animals reared with APV or
MK801 Elvax implants, there was an increase in the relative numbers of
auditory units that were ambiguously tuned to two or more locations.
In the MK801 group, the proportion of units tuned to a single location
in space was significantly reduced compared to either of the juvenile
control groups. The topography of the auditory representation was als
o severely impaired in animals treated with either MK801 or APV during
this period of development, resulting in a much poorer alignment with
the visual representation. Adult animals that had received MK801 Elva
x implants for the same duration, but beginning at P108-115, also show
ed a significant reduction in the proportion of tuned auditory units c
ompared to age-matched, drug-free controls. However, in contrast to th
e juvenile ferrets, the topographic variation in azimuthal selectivity
within the SC appeared to be unaffected by NMDA-receptor blockade in
the adult animals. These data suggest that NMDA receptors play a criti
cal role in the activity-dependent process by which a map of auditory
space in the SC is elaborated during development.