Background - An automated system has been developed for the detection
of sound patterns suggestive of airways obstruction in long term recor
dings. The first step, presented here, was tracheal sound recording du
ring histamine-induced airways obstruction. Methods - The tracheal sou
nds of 29 children aged 8-19 years with asthma were recorded during ai
rways obstruction caused by histamine inhalation using a system for co
ntinuous respiratory telemetry and computer analysis. Sound patterns w
ere analysed, classified, and related to airways obstruction measured
by lung function tests based on the forced expiratory volume in one se
cond (FEV(1)).Results - Five sound patterns were identified, one domin
ant sensitive and four specific to a fall in FEV(1) of >20%. The prese
nce of at least one of three specific sound patterns during unforced r
espiration predicted a fall in FEV(1) of >20% in 87.5% of the subjects
. The inspiratory and expiratory sound patterns were almost equally in
formative of airways obstruction. Conclusions - Wheezes can be differe
ntiated with more precision than is currently accepted. Tracheal sound
patterns are sensitive and specific predictors of histamine-induced a
irways obstruction. These patterns are neither invariably nor proporti
onally related to the results of lung function testing. However, they
can be used for detection of airways obstruction on the basis of their
presence or absence.