This paper discusses the effects of three different seedbed designs (f
urrow, ridge, and flatbed) on the production of sorghum under the hars
h arid environment of the Sultanate of Oman. The demand for forage cro
ps has risen significantly during the past decade in the Sultanate coi
nciding with the dramatic increase in milk- and meat-producing animals
. Techniques for tillage of the seedbed have also changed with the int
roduction of new types of agricultural machinery for production of for
age crops. Research relative to tillage techniques for seedbed prepara
tion for the production of forage crops is required to meet the rising
demand. The results of this study indicate that sorghum samples plant
ed and grown on the ridge yielded the highest results relative to all
categories; number of leaves, number of tillers, root length, giant he
ight, and fresh and dry weight. It produced significantly higher mean
results in the categories of root length, plant height, and fresh and
dry weight compared with both the flatbed and furrow tillage method. S
orghum samples from the flatbed treatment area significantly outperfor
med sorghum samples from the furrow treatment area relative to the mea
n number of plant tillers, and mean fresh weight and mean dry weight.
Sorghum samples from the furrow treatment area had significantly more
leaves than samples from the flatbed treatment area.