Background: The secondary structure of RNA can be predicted by the the
rmodynamics-based method of Zuker and Turner. The accuracy of the meth
od's secondary structure predictions for rRNA can be assessed by using
as reference the currently available rRNA secondary structure models
that have been derived from comparative analysis of rRNA sequence alig
nments. Results: We folded 72 23S rRNA sequences with the Zuker-Turner
method and scored the resulting secondary structure predictions again
st the comparative model. Empirically, trends in the score were observ
ed as a function of the phylogenetic memberships of the sequences and
as a function of the base pairs secondary structural contexts. Further
, three parameters were found that (anti-)correlate with the score. Co
nclusions: Three semiquantitative predictors of score were found: % of
noncanonical base pairs, % of hairpin loops that were stable tetraloo
ps, and sequence %G+C. The folding of rRNA is a tractable problem and
thermodynamics-based folding algorithms, in particular, are useful in
the study of this folding problem even for large RNA molecules (e.g. 1
6S and 23S rRNA). (C) Current Biology Ltd.