Background: Energy landscape theory predicts that the folding funnel f
or a small fast-folding alpha-helical protein will have a transition s
tate half-way to the native state. Estimates of the position of the tr
ansition state along an appropriate reaction coordinate can be obtaine
d from linear free energy relationships observed for folding and unfol
ding rate constants as a function of denaturant concentration. The exp
erimental results of Huang and Gas for lambda repressor, Fersht and co
llaborators for Cl2, and Gray and collaborators for cytochrome c indic
ate a free energy barrier midway between the folded and unfolded regio
ns. This barrier arises from an entropic bottleneck for the folding pr
ocess. Results: In keeping with the experimental results, lattice simu
lations based on the folding funnel description show that the transiti
on state is not just a single conformation, but rather an ensemble of
a relatively large number of configurations that can be described by s
pecific values of one or a few order parameters (e.g. the fraction of
native contacts). Analysis of this transition state or bottleneck regi
on from our lattice simulations and from atomistic models for small oc
-helical proteins by Boczko and Brooks indicates a broad distribution
for native contact participation in the transition state ensemble cent
ered around 50%. Importantly, however, the lattice-simulated transitio
n state ensemble does include some particularly hot contacts, as seen
in the experiments, which have been termed by others a folding nucleus
. Conclusions: Linear free energy relations provide a crude spectrosco
py of the transition state, allowing us to infer the values of a react
ion coordinate based on the fraction of native contacts. This bottlene
ck may be thought of as a collection of delocalized nuclei where diffe
rent native contacts will have different degrees of participation. The
agreement between the experimental results and the theoretical predic
tions provides strong support for the landscape analysis. (C) Current
Biology Ltd.