The Else of unsheathed non-insulated needles and a nerve stimularo! as
an aid to peripheral nerve blockade in children has received little a
ttention in the literature. In older to assess the value of such a tec
hnique, a study was performed in children presenting for lower limb su
rgery with no contraindication to femoral and/or sciatic nerve block.
Four hundred and eleven children, mean age 4.25 (SD 3.8) years and mea
n weight 16.8 (SD 9.4) kg, received a total of 883 peripheral ner ce b
locks: 419 femoral nerve blocks and 464 sciatic nerve blocks. One hund
red and twenty six children were below one year of age. The current re
quired to stimulate the more superficial femoral nerve ranged from 0.5
-1.0 mA whilst for the deeper sciatic nerve ranged fro,n 1.2-2.0 mA. S
taff in training, with little or no experience of tire technique, succ
essfully performed 223 nerve blocks in 114 patients under the author's
guidance. The overall success rate was 98%, the failures occurring ea
rly in the series.