Interrelationships among key constructs of the Transtheoretical Model
are examined for the first time on a large (N = 4,144) representative
sample of smokers. The posited relationships between the early Stages
of Change (Precontemplation, Contemplation, Preparation) and the Proce
sses of Change, Decisional Balance, and Situational Temptation are gen
erally supported. Precontemplators are found to use the Processes of C
hange the least and those in Preparation use them the most. Precontemp
lators also have the least negative attitudes toward their smoking beh
avior. Precontemplators and Contemplators are tempted to smoke in more
situations than those in Preparation. Precontemplators are also the m
ost addicted to smoking, followed by those in Contemplation and Prepar
ation, respectively, when examined on traditional measures of smoking
behavior. The implications for smoking cessation efforts are also disc