Using the 'addition of uncorrelated noise' as a natural definition of
increasing risk for multivariate lotteries, I interpret risk aversion
as the willingness to pay a (possibly random) vector premium in exchan
ge for a reduction in multivariate risk. If no restriction is placed o
n the sign of any co-ordinate of the vector premium then (as was the c
ase in Kihlstrom and Mirman's (1974) analysis) only pairs of expected
utility maximizers with the same ordinal preferences for outcomes can
be ranked in terms of their aversion to increasing risk. However, if w
e restrict the premium to be a non-negative random variable then compa
risons of aversion to increasing risk may be possible between expected
utility maximizers with distinct ordinal preferences for outcomes. Th
e relationship between their utility functions is precisely the multi-
dimensional analog of Ross's (1981) global condition for strongly more
risk averse.