Poly(L-Phenylalanine) is the simplest polypeptide which goes into the
rare omega form. Complete normal mode calculations and their dispersio
ns are reported using Urey Bradley force field and Higgs method for in
finite systems. The results indicate that the modes below 1350 cm(-1)
show appreciable dispersion. Two main chacteristics of the dispersion
curves are cross-over between torsional and bending modes at delta=psi
/2 and repulsion with character exchange between junction and ring mod
es in the neighbourhood of delta=psi. The crossover within the Brillou
in Zone (B-Z) is permissible between different species at the same fre
quency and it can be called as a ''nonfundamental resonance''. The reg
ions of high density of states in the neighbourhood of delta=0.75 pi a
re critical points akin to Von Hove Singularities in lattice dynamics.
Detailed assignments of various modes are also given.