Six mares had ovariohysterectomy performed for chronic pyometra associ
ated with cervical abnormalities, uterine neoplasia, or removal of a m
acerated fetus. Ovariohysterectomy was performed through a ventral mid
line incision with access to the ovarian and uterine vessels aided by
traction on the uterus and retraction of abdominal viscera. Abdominal
pain, the most common complication after surgery, occurred in four mar
es but resolved within 36 hours. Peritonitis occurred in two mares; on
e mare was subsequently euthanatized. Other complications that resolve
d with treatment included infection of the uterine stump (two mares),
abdominal hemorrhage (one mare), diarrhea(one mare), and incisional in
fection (one mare). Complications after surgery can be reduced by remo
ving as much of the uterus as possible, minimizing peritoneal contamin
ation with uterine contents, and providing a secure closure of the cau
dal reproductive tract. (C)Copyright 1995 by The American College of V
eterinary Surgeons