Pseudohypoaldosteronism (PHA) is characterized by salt-wasting and fai
lure to thrive in the newborn, accompanied by high urinary levels of s
odium despite hyponatremia, hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis, eleva
tion of plasma renin activity, and high plasma aldosterone levels. PHA
patients are resistant to mineralocorticoid administration, but their
symptoms ameliorate after a period of sodium supplementation, which c
an be discontinued in older subjects. Binding studies performed on mon
onuclear leukocytes of the family members affected by the disease have
shown the absence of binding of [H-3]aldosterone to the mineralocorti
coid receptor (MR) in mononuclear leukocytes in two siblings and a mar
ked reduction in another sibling and the father, suggesting either the
absence of MR or a defect in the ligand binding domain of the MR in t
hese patients. Molecular analysis of the MR in the members of this fam
ily did not reveal any major rearrangement or deletion of the MR gene.
In addition, no mutation was found in the entire MR coding sequence b
y RT-PCR and direct sequencing of MR mRNA, and the semiquantitative RT
-PCR analysis of the MR mRNA of one affected patient failed to show an
y quantitative abnormality in MR expression. These results do not excl
ude a molecular abnormality present in the MR gene being responsible f
or PHA. However, they indicate that in this family PHA is not related
to a modification of the MR primary structure or to a major abnormalit
y in MR expression.