In traditional user interfaces, syntax (visual attributes) and semanti
cs (behavioral aspects) are separate, and the semantics are defined in
a programming language. Thus, nonprogrammers-that is, the end users t
hemselves-cannot easily define user-interface semantics. In many appli
cations, however, the interface for one group of users is best designe
d by users belonging to another group. For example, in educational app
lications, teachers should be able to construct the user interface for
students, and administrators should be able to build user interfaces
for teachers. To overcome this difficulty, the authors propose using a
visual programming language for semantic specifications. In their for
m/formula paradigm, the user first specifies the interface layout (for
m) using a graphics editor that recognizes shapes, handwriting, and ge
stures. The semantics of the form is defined by a directed graph of ne
sted boxes (formula). A combination of forms and formulas is used to d
efine graphic user interfaces as well as database queries. The authors
have incorporated the form/formula paradigm into the Hyperflow langua
ge and implemented it on the PenPoint operating system for educational
applications. To explain the paradigm and demonstrate its utility for
user-definable user interfaces, the authors include three examples: c
onverting between Fahrenheit and Celsius, designing an arithmetic work
sheet, and querying student records.