Approximate degrees of freedom omnibus and pairwise test statistics of
Johansen (1980) and Keselman, Keselman, and Shaffer (1991), respectiv
ely, were used with numerous stepwise multiple comparison procedures (
MCPs) to perform pairwise contrasts on repeated measures means. The MC
Ps were compared for their overall familywise rates of Type I error an
d for their sensitivity to detect true pairwise differences among mean
s when multisample sphericity and multivariate normality assumptions w
ere not satisfied. Results indicated that multiple range procedures wh
ich were modified according to the method described by Duncan (1957) w
ere always robust with respect to Type I errors and were at least as p
owerful as the unmodified range procedures, and could result in increa
ses in power as large as 22%. Overall, the Welsch (1977a) step-up, Per
itz-Duncan (Peritz, 1970), and Ryan-Welsch-Duncan (Ryan, 1960; Welsch,
1977a) multiple range procedures were found to be most powerful.