Td. Boreen et Np. James, STRATIGRAPHIC SEDIMENTOLOGY OF TERTIARY COOL-WATER LIMESTONES, SE AUSTRALIA, Journal of sedimentary research. Section B, Stratigraphy and global studies, 65(1), 1995, pp. 142-159
Mid-Tertiary limestones, exposed as sea cliffs along the coast of Vict
oria, southeastern Australia, accumulated on the inner part of a cool-
water, distally steepened ramp or open shelf. All sediments are bioela
stic, dominated by particles of bryozoans, echinoderms, benthic forami
nifers, brachiopods, and molluscs. Shallow, grainy facies also contain
coralline algae, quartz, and glauconite, while deep, muddy facies inc
lude ahermatypic corals, ostracodes, sponge spicules, planktic foramin
ifers, and terrigenous clays. The fundamental depositional unit is a m
eter-scale, subtidal cycle or rhythm. Shallow-shelf cycles are shallow
ing-upward, cross-bedded or burrowed grainstone capped by a marine-cem
ented hardground or quartz-granule lag, while mid-shelf cycles are upw
ard-coarsening and thickening, proximal to distal tempestites. Such cy
cles are interpreted to form by eustatically driven, climatically cont
rolled oscillations in abrasion wave base and swell wave base. Deep sh
elf rhythms are interbedded bryozoan marl and calcareous clay, thought
to be generated by climatically influenced fluctuations in carbonate
productivity and terrigenous dilution. Lowstand systems tracts are dep
ositional or erosional. Sequence boundaries are complex, multigenerati
on, mostly submarine surfaces (condensed cycle boundaries) that can be
traced offshore into multiple Omission surfaces and conformable conta
cts. Basinward facies shifts result in deposition of condensed lowstan
d wedges of stacked, shallowing-uwpard grainstone cycles. Transgressiv
e systems tracts are thick bryozoan marl-calcareous clay rhythms assoc
iated with facies backstepping and abrupt deepening. Such rhythmites t
ypically grade stratigraphically upward into tempestite cycles. Highst
and systems tracts are highly progradational, wedge-shaped rock bodies
of shallowing-upward grainy cycles. These limestones provide the crit
ical link of stratigraphy between modern cool-water carbonate shelf de
posits and the older Mesozoic and Paleozoic record of similar sediment