The production of Tc-94m as pertechnetate, a t(1/2) = 53 min positron
emitter, was studied with small and medium energy cyclotrons. At a pro
ton energy of 11 MeV, the irradiation of natural molybdenum provides a
dequate saturated yields (3 mCi/mu A) with tolerable radionuclidic pur
ity for radiopharmaceutical investigations in man. The longer lived Tc
-95, Tc-95m and Tc-96 isotopes can be virtually eliminated by irradiat
ing an isotopically-enriched (MoO3)-Mo-94 target. In a study of altern
ative entrance channels leading to Tc-94m, natural niobium and molybde
num targets were irradiated with He-3 and He-4 beams. The goal was to
reach pure Tc-94m through the Ru-94/Tc-94m generator system, bypassing
contamination by the Tc-94g ground state.