The authors describe a case of mediastinal fibrosis in a 53 year old w
oman which presented with a superior venacaval syndrome ten years afte
r the diagnosis of a Riedel's thyroiditis. The clinical and laboratory
evidence did not reveal anything to suggest other fibrosing disorders
(such as retroperitoneal fibrosis, extra-hepatic biliary fibrosis or
orbital fibrosis) which could be associated either simultaneously or s
uccessively with this multi-focal fibrosis. The physiology of this dis
order currently remains imprecise. A current hypothesis is that there
is an immunological reaction in the peri-arterial area leading to lipi
d components make atheromatous plaques. The therapeutic means are limi
ted and depend on the localisation of the fibrous tissue and of their
functional repercussions. Currently, the benefit of corticosteroids on
the mediastinal fibrotic lesions has not been demonstrated.