In this article the phenomenological approach to qualitative research
is compared with certain other qualitative approaches following other
paradigms. The thesis is that a deepened understanding of phenomenolog
ical philosophy can provide the alternative framework that many of the
se authors have been seeking. The comparison with other approaches is
made in terms of theoretical and methodical consistency. Theoretically
, the argument is that the situation known as ''mixed discourse'' exis
ts because practitioners have not sufficiently freed themselves from t
he criteria and practices of traditional paradigms in which most quali
tative researchers have been trained. The shift from the collection of
numerical data to linguistic data takes place without appropriate shi
ft in theoretical context. This state of affairs should be overcome in
order to strengthen qualitative research. On the other hand, many qua
litative researchers carry on practices that seem to be analogous to p
henomenological prescriptions which are explicitly usually misundersto
od or resisted when stated directly and generically. Thus, greater the
oretical clarity and consistency as well as deeper reflection or bette
r utilization of imaginative possibilities still seem to be called for
in order to bring better theoretical conceptualization and more consi
stent practices to qualitative research.