W. Winter et al., CRYSTAL-STRUCTURE REFINEMENT OF SYNTHETIC OSUMILITE-TYPE PHASES - BAMG2AL6SI9O30, SRMG2AL6SI9O30 AND MG2AL4SI11O30, European journal of mineralogy, 7(2), 1995, pp. 277-286
Three synthetic osumilite-type double-ring silicates of technical inte
rest as crystalline basis of glass-ceramic materials with compositions
BaMg2Al6Si9O30, SrMg2Al6Si9O30 and Mg2Al4Si11O(30) (MAS) were synthes
ized by crystallization of glasses and their crystal structures were s
ubsequently refined. The structure of BaMg2Al6Si9O30 (P6/mcc, a = 10.1
29(2), c = 14.340(2) Angstrom) was refined to R(w) = 2.46% for 1020 si
ngle-crystal reflections with MoK alpha X-radiation. The structures of
SrMg2Al6Si9O30 (a = 10.1273(5), c = 14.2274(8) Angstrom) and Mg2Al4Si
11O30 (a = 10.058(2), c = 14.336(3) Angstrom) were refined in space gr
oup P6/mcc from CuK alpha X-ray powder data using multiphase Rietveld
methods. The C site between consecutive double-ring units is occupied
by Ba2+ and Sr2+ in BaMg2Al6Si9O30 and SrMg2Al6Si9O30, respectively, w
hile it is empty in MAS osumilite. This leads to increased C-O2 distan
ces in MAS osumilite (3.18(1) Angstrom) compared to 3.041(1) and 3.025
(9) Angstrom for the Ba- and Sr-bearing compounds, respectively. The l
onger C-O2 distance is compensated by a stronger distortion of the nei
ghbouring T1 double-rings and T2 tetrahedra. In BaMg2Al6Si9O30 and SrM
g2Al6Si9O30, Mg is constrained to the octahedral A site whereas in MAS
osumilite the A octahedron and the T2 tetrahedron have a mixed Mg, Al
occupation. Osumilite-type compounds with partial Al in the six-membe
red double-rings show a different T1-O-T1 angular distortion compared
to double-ring silicates with pure Si12O30 units. The reason for this
difference is not primarily the Al concentration on T1 but the higher
ionic valences on A and T2 which become necessary for charge balance.