In this study. three patients with spastic diplegia were examined with
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PE
T), using the steady state technique with O-15. Two of them had untrac
table seizures and mental retardation. On MRI the cortical structures
were normal: increased T-2 signals in the periventricular white matter
in the second patient were the main findings. PET scan showed in the
two patients with a seizure disorder and mental retardation a large le
ft cortical area of decreased regional blood flow and oxygen consumpti
on during the interictal phase. The third patient without epileptic sp
ells had a normal PET scan examination. It is concluded that the epile
ptic disorder in two of our cases is due to an additional cortical les
ion, while the spastic diplegia is caused by subcortical white matter