There is a lot of epidemiological information to calculate the risk of
developing gastroduodenal lesions during NSAID therapy on a reliable
base in an individual patient. In treating NSAID ulcers one has to dec
ide whether the antirheumatic treatment can be stopped or whether one
has to continue. In the first mentioned condition all antiulcer drugs
can be used safely like in chronic recurrent ulcer disease. However, w
hen NSAID therapy has to be continued proton pump inhibitors are neces
sary in doubled therapeutic dosage. Prophylaxis should not be made in
all patients on NSAIDs, but is only indicated with convincing cost-ben
efit ratio in high-risk patients. Whereas H-2-blockers and proton pump
inhibitors seem to protect mainly the duodenal mucosa oral prostaglan
dins (Misoprostol) are effective in the stomach as well.