As a result of a combination of the European Communities (EC) Bathing
Water and Urban Waste Water Treatment Directives, the option of discha
rging biologically treated effluent into estuaries and shallow coastea
l waters through short outfalls is being increasingly considered. This
has meant that sewage disposal models are now required to resolve wat
er movements in inshore waters. As part of an environmental assessment
into the options for the treatment and disposal of sewage from Felixs
towe, Harwich and Dovercourt, Anglian Water commissioned WRc to produc
e a bacterial dispersion model of the area, It was necessary to quanti
fy the complex flows suspected in Harwich Harbour and to be able to si
mulate their impact on effluent dispersion, This paper describes the d
evelopment and application of this model. A detailed 2D hydrodynamic m
odel was calibrated against Vessel Mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Pr
ofiler data gathered in the area. A bacterial dispersion model driven
by this hydrodynamic model was validated using bacteriophage tracer re
leases. The model has been applied to demonstrate that the treatment o
ptions under consideration will comply fully with the Bathing Water Di
rective and are constant with the Anglian Water Environmental Policy.