Anorthite megacrysts are common in basalts from the Japanese Island Ar
e, and signally rare in other global fields. These anorthites are 1 to
3 cm in size and often contain several corroded Mg-olivine inclusions
. The megacrysts generally range from An(94)Ab(4)Ot(2) to An(89)Ab(6)O
t(5) (Ot: other minor end-members, including CaFeSi3O8, CaMgSi3Os, AlA
l3SiOs, nSiQ0s) and show no chemical zoning. They often show parting.
Redclouded megacrysts contain microcrystals of native copper with a di
stribution reminiscent of the shape of a planetary nebula. Hydrocarbon
s are also present, both in the anorthite megacrysts and in the olivin
es included within them. Implications of lateral variations in the Fe/
Mg ratio of the included olivines, in Sr-content and in Sr-isotope rat
io of the anorthite megacrysts with respect to the Japanese island are
, relate to mixing of cnrstal components and subducted slab-sediments
into the basaltic magmas.