Objective: To review current knowledge about the hepatopulmonary syndr
ome, including definition and clinical features, methods for diagnosin
g it, pathophysiologic mechanisms of the associated vascular dilatatio
ns, and considerations in treatment, with emphasis on potential revers
ibility of the syndrome after liver transplantation. Data Sources: The
MEDLINE database from January 1986 to December 1993 and bibliographie
s of selected articles. Study Selection: Case studies and series repor
ting results from patients with the hepatopulmonary syndrome were revi
ewed. Clinical reviews and animal studies relevant to the hepatopulmon
ary syndrome were examined. Data Extraction: Outcomes, including survi
val and the frequency of reversibility of the hepatopulmonary syndrome
, were extracted from available clinical reports. Data Synthesis: Mild
hypoxemia is multifactorial and occurs in approximately one third of
all patients with chronic liver disease. The hepatopulmonary syndrome
is one cause of hypoxemia that may also cause dyspnea, platypnea, and
orthopnea. Intrapulmonary vascular dilatations and the resulting right
-to-left intrapulmonary shunt are characteristic of the syndrome. Phar
macologic treatment with almitrine bismesylate, somatostatin analog, a
nd indomethacin and treatment with plasmapheresis have been disappoint
ing. The underlying cause and the predictors of reversibility of the h
epatopulmonary syndrome remain unknown, but it has recently been shown
that such reversibility is possible and that contrast-enhanced echoca
rdiography appears to be the most sensitive diagnostic test for detect
ing intrapulmonary vascular dilatations. Conclusions: In the context o
f persisting uncertainty about the cause and treatment of the hepatopu
lmonary syndrome, future studies must focus on better understanding th
e pathophysiology of the hepatopulmonary syndrome, predicting reversib
ility after liver transplantation, and identifying other treatment opt