Pdp. Pharoah et Pf. Heywood, ENDEMIC GOITER AND CRETINISM IN THE SIMBAI AND TEP-TEP AREAS OF MADANG PROVINCE, PAPUA-NEW-GUINEA, Papua New Guinea medical journal, 37(2), 1994, pp. 110-115
In the late 1960s and early 1970s a mass campaign of iodized oil injec
tions was carried out in Papua New Guinea as an interim measure to imp
rove iodine status in the population and to prevent endemic goitre and
endemic cretinism. Following informal reports of children with neurol
ogical abnormalities resembling endemic cretinism in two areas of Mada
ng Province, the Simbai and Tep-Tep Subdistricts, surveys were conduct
ed in these areas in 1985 to establish prevalence rates of goitre and
cretinism in order to determine whether they had returned as public he
alth problems. 42% of the Simbai population and 38% of the Tep-Tep pop
ulation attended for examination. Amongst those surveyed, the visible
goitre rate was low: 0.1% in the Simbai and 2.5% in the Tep-Tep area.
Although the iodized oil patrols were carried out a decade previously,
goitre does not seem to have re-emerged in the area to the levels rep
orted previously. In the Simbai villages surveyed, there were nine ind
ividuals diagnosed as suffering from cretinism, three of whom were tho
ught to have been born after the last iodized oil patrol in the area.
In the Tep-Tep villages, eight subjects were diagnosed as suffering fr
om cretinism, all of whom were thought to have been born before the io
dized oil patrols. A number of younger children with neurological abno
rmalities which did not fulfil criteria for endemic cretinism were als
o seen in both areas. Because of the difficulties in diagnosing endemi
c cretinism in young children, it is not possible to conclude that end
emic cretinism is no longer a problem in these areas. More work is nee
ded to confirm the results of these studies. This will enable a ration
al control program to be designed and implemented.