In this paper we discuss co-polarization and cross-polarization reflec
tion measurements in borehole radar. Most conventional borehole radars
use axially-oriented electric dipole antennas for transmission and re
ception, resulting in a response only to the co-polarized signal compo
nent of the reflected wave. However, more information can be obtained
if the cross-polarized component of the reflected wave is also measure
d. Cross-polarization borehole radar measurements are presented in whi
ch an axially-oriented slot antenna is used as the receiving antenna a
nd an electric dipole is used as the transmitting antenna. The slot an
tenna was excited by a short DC pulse (<10 ns in duration) to obtain b
roadband pulse-echo operation. The physical configuration of this ante
nna is quite suitable for borehole applications, because the slot ante
nna aperture can be made an integral part of a metallic cylinder. Fiel
d measurements using two prototype radar sonde arrangements containing
co-polarized (vertical) and cross-polarized antennas were carried out
in granite rock. The measured signals showed that detection of the sh
ort-range reflections can be significantly improved with cross-polariz
ation measurements since direct coupling between the transmitting and
receiving antennas is considerably reduced. Comparisons of the reflect
ed signals produced by the co- and cross-polarization measurements exh
ibit responses which show that polarimetric radar measurements in a bo
rehole can be practical and beneficial.