Background - There is growing evidence to suggest the importance of th
e lymphocyte in the pathogenesis of asthma, particularly in late phase
reactions and ongoing bronchial hyperreactivity. Platelet activating
factor (PAF) has also been identified as a potentially important media
tor in asthma. Methods - The migration of human peripheral blood lymph
ocytes obtained from normal volunteers in response to PAF and the effe
ct of PAF antagonists was studied in a well standardised in vitro assa
y using nitrocellulose micropore filters in a microchemotaxis chamber.
Results - PAF is a potent stimulus to in vitro human lymphocyte migra
tion; at an optimal concentration of 1 nM it augmented lymphocyte chem
okinesis to 310% (SE 33%) of control values. The response to PAF appea
rs to be specific since lyso-PAF and other related membrane phospholip
ids had no effect. PAF-induced migration could be abrogated by specifi
c PAF receptor antagonists such as WEB 2086 (100 nM), and was partiall
y blocked by the cyclooxygenase inhibitor flurbiprofen at a concentrat
ion of 1 mu M. Conclusions - PAF stimulates the in vitro migration of
human lymphocytes through a specific PAF receptor. Part of the respons
e may be due to the generation of cyclooxygenase products. PAF may pla
y a part in the recruitment of lymphocytes to asthmatic airways.