C-13 NMR is used to study the carbon environment in a dense form of am
orphous carbon containing a large fraction of sp(3) bonds prepared fro
m a cathodic are source. The results show a chemical shift of 66 ppm i
ntermediate between graphite and diamond shifts and not previously rep
orted for a pure carbon form. This shift is assigned to the tetrahedra
l component of the network on the basis of a comparison of various typ
es of NMR techniques and by analogy with the effect of amorphisation o
n crystalline silicon observed using Si-29 NMR. A peak is also observe
d at 140 ppm which is definitively assigned to sp(2) carbon. Cross-pol
arisation results reveal the presence of approximately 1% of hydrogen
which is associated with the tetrahedral network, perhaps in a fashion
analogous to the passivation of the dangling bonds in amorphous silic