Five cases of large cell calcifying Sertoli cell tumour of the testis
not associated with complex dysplastic syndromes are reported. The age
of the patients ranged from 13 to 34 years and all the tumours were h
istologically similar, having large, isomorphic, non-mitotic, eosinoph
ilic Sertoli cells with foci of calcification. Flow cytometry demonstr
ated the cells to be diploid or hypodiploid. All cases were positive f
or vimentin and focally positive for low molecular weight keratin. The
present cases, together with a review of the 22 previously reported t
umours, demonstrate that there are two clear cut types of large cell c
alcifying Sertoli cell tumour; those which are associated with complex
dysplastic syndromes and which are bilateral and multifocal, and thos
e which are not associated and are unilateral and focal. Prognosis in
all of our cases was uniformly good despite invasion of the rete testi
s in two cases. It is considered that conservative resection of the tu
mour is the treatment of choice in cases not associated with complex d
ysplastic syndromes, since the malignancy rate is low.