R. Cesareo et al., MICROTOMOGRAPHY USING A TUBE SOURCE OF X-RAYS, A LOW-ENERGY-RESOLUTION HPGE DETECTOR SYSTEM AND AN ARRAY OF DETECTORS, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 356(2-3), 1995, pp. 573-578
A new microtomographic system has been assembled with a geometrical re
solution of about 25-50 mm. This system is employed directly using the
bremsstrahlung radiation and filtering the primary radiation with abs
orbers composed by an element. A reconstruction programme, written in
PASCAL is able to give the reconstruction matrix of linear attenuation
coefficients, simulates the matrix and the related tomography. Microt
omography was studied thoroughly with different samples like acrylic c
ylinders containing internal W-wires of about 10 mu m diameter, acryli
c cylinders with holes of known diameters, small pencils with internal
graphite, acrylic cylinders containing grains of soil and so on.