The wear of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) has beco
me a major focus regarding the long-term clinical performance of total
joint replacements. Clinical retrieval analysis has revealed the exis
tence of two distinct wear mechanisms that are operational in both tot
al hip and total knee replacements. While the majority of the wear deb
ris produced from the acetabular component is less than a micron in si
ze and often particulate or fibrous in shape, much larger thin flakeli
ke wear debris is produced from the tibial component. Two theoretical
wear models that are based on the scale of intimate asperity interacti
ons are proposed to account for the observed differences in hip and kn
ee wear. Cyclic plastic strain accumulation is identified as the commo
n cause for wear debris generation in both hip and knee replacements.
In the case of acetabular cup wear, the scale of plastic deformation i
s limited to the sites of intimate micro-asperity contacts and the wea
r rate is defined by a critical strain criterion. In the case of tibia
l component wear, however, plastic deformation spreads into the subsur
face to the site of macro-asperity contacts, and material can be remov
ed by subsurface cracking and delamination. In both cases, the wear ra
te is strongly affected by the ultimate tensile strength and breaking
elongation of the UHMWPE material.