The development of wear maps is connected to the definition of dominan
t wear mechanisms and transition regions for pairs rubbing under diffe
rent wear conditions. The well-known wear maps allow us to reveal the
dominant contact conditions (mechanical approach) or the wear mechanis
ms (structural approach). The purpose of this work is to investigate t
he dominant and competive wear mechanisms of steel under different con
tact conditions. For comparison of results, the tests were carried out
at the same normalized force (Lim's and Ashby's map). Oxidational wea
r is a dominant wear mechanism in the region of elastic and elastic-pl
astic contact and well-known parameters of the wear map may be used. T
he wear rate is defined by a number of competing wear mechanisms (oxid
ational wear, ploughing, delamination and adhesion) in the plastic reg
ion. The number of competing mechanisms is increased with a loading. T
here exists a definite critical depth of damage accumulation for each
wear mechanism. The possibility of estimating a critical depth for dam
age accumulation under different contact conditions is discussed.