The simplest magnetic model for the upper 20 km of crust in central Ir
eland is of two layers. A thin, weakly magnetic upper layer carrying a
number of magnetic bodies that can be related to surface geology over
lies a magnetic crustal zone whose gross magnetization increases towar
ds the north. The deeper trace of the Iapetus Suture in central Irelan
d forms the boundary between a more magnetic northern crustal area and
a less magnetic southern area. A pre-Carboniferous major dextral offs
et of this suture boundary occurs in the Limerick area. The suture is
traced beneath the Dingle peninsula in the far south-west of Ireland.
In east-central Ireland, between the Iapetus Suture and Southern Uplan
d Line, the crust contains a large, south-dipping magnetic body with n
o surface expression, which produces the Virginia magnetic anomaly. Th
e development of magnetic bodies - in particular, volcanic rocks of Ca
rboniferous age - has been controlled by regional stress patterns. The
major volcanic centre at Limerick lies at the intersection of two maj
or Caledonian block fault systems just to the north of the surface tra
ce of the Hercynian Front.