The validity of the Perfectionism Cognitions Inventory (PCI; Flett, He
witt, Blankstein, & Gray, 1994) was evaluated across three studies. In
Study I, PCI scores were significantly related to obsessional thought
s (.44), compulsive acts (.44), anger-suppression (.35), and anger-exp
ression (-.38), but not task diligence (-.03) and social desirability
(.03). In Study 2, PCI scores were significantly related to compulsive
checking (.21), bur nor compulsive washing (.05) or indecision (.15).
Study 3 included a clinical sample diagnosed as having obsessive-comp
ulsive symptoms (39 women, 26 men), and PCI scores were significantly
related to obsessions (.66), compulsions (.67), and indecision (.29).
These findings suggest that the PCI may be a useful instrument to asse
ss obsessions and compulsions with clinical and nonclinical samples.