Four experiments are reported that were designed to examine perceptual
-motor exploration employed in determining the solution to a dual-axis
positioning task under various biomechanical and task constraints. Ex
periments 1, 2, and 3 used the two elbow joints to examine the impact
of varying several geometric features of the relation between visual i
nformation and action in this task. Experiment 4 examined the use of w
ithin-limb, between-limb, and within-joint axes of motion in a similar
task. The exploratory process was analyzed using a symbolic dynamic d
efined over nominal categories of visual information and actions elici
ted by the performer. The search strategy used to improve task perform
ance was consistent across all the experimental manipulations imposed.
The frequency pattern of nominal action categories demonstrated a pre
ference for single-axis activity except in the within-joint condition
which exhibited a preference for dual-axis activity. The pattern of pr
eferred transitions among these action categories was also consistent
across conditions, and lag sequential analysis revealed a robust tende
ncy for cyclical activity in that opposite actions were often coupled
in sequence. The topologically equivalent (extrinsic geometry) task sp
aces led to qualitatively similar search strategies when considered at
the level of action-information interaction (intrinsic geometry). The
physical implementation of this strategy was strongly influenced by t
he biomechanical constraints of the action system, while the manipulat
ions of the geometric features of the action-information relation serv
ed only to influence the quantitative properties of performance outcom