Objective. The objective of our study was to test the efficacy of the
bispectral index (BIS) compared with spectral edge frequency (SEF), re
lative delta power, median frequency, and a combined univariate power
spectral derivative in predicting movement to incision during isoflura
ne/oxygen anesthesia. Methods, A total of 42 consenting patients were
assigned to 3 groups, isoflurane 0.75, 1.0, and 1.25 minimal alveolar
concentration (MAC). Anesthesia was induced with thiopental and mainta
ined with the appropriate end-tidal concentration of isoflurane. The e
lectroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded using a microcomputer system, a
nd data were analyzed off-line. The EEG during the 2 min before incisi
on was analyzed. Following skin incision, each patient was carefully o
bserved for 60 sec to detect occurrence of purposeful movement. Result
s, For all groups combined, there was a statistically significant diff
erence for BIS (p < 0.0001) and also for relative delta power (p < 0.0
16) between movers and nonmovers. There was a statistically significan
t difference between movers and nonmovers at 1.25 MAC isoflurane for B
IS (p < 0.01). There were no other significant differences for any oth
er EEG variable at any concentration of isoflurane. No EEG variable sh
owed a relationship to isoflurane concentration. Conclusions, When bis
pectral analysis of the EEG was used to develop a retrospectively dete
rmined index, there was an association of the index with movement. Thu
s, it may be a useful predictor of whether patients will move in respo
nse to skin incision during anesthesia with isoflurane/oxygen.