We sent a behavioral neurology fellowship questionnaire to each of the
training directors of 160 neurology residency programs throughout the
world, seeking information about programs offering advanced training
in behavioral neurology (or similar fellowships in cognitive neurology
, neurobehavior, or cognitive neuroscience). Response rate was 100%. T
hirty-four respondents reported active fellowship programs in behavior
al neurology, and 28 additional respondents indicated that a behaviora
l neurology fellowship was planned. Nine of the 34 programs (26.5%) de
fined themselves as exclusively or predominantly concerned with dement
ia and age-related neurobehavioral disorders. Directors of the 34 acti
ve fellowship programs estimated that their combined programs had grad
uated 199 fellows and were currently training fifty. Most fellowships
concentrated on outpatient clinical training, with teaching required b
y 78.1% and research required by 81.8%. Specialty certification for be
havioral neurology was favored by over 75% of behavioral neurology fel
lowship training directors but by only 30% of training directors in re
sidency programs without behavioral neurology fellowships. Behavioral
neurology training programs have grown dramatically in response to an
increased recognition of the academic interest in and the clinical nee
ds for these services.