We used the magnetic search coil technique to measure horizontal, vert
ical, and torsional components of convergent-divergent pendular nystag
mus in three patients. All showed phase shifts of approximately 180 de
grees between the two eyes in the horizontal and torsional planes, but
the vertical components were conjugate. Viewing a near target increas
ed the oscillations threefold in one patient and by 60% in a second pa
tient. The waveform was sinusoidal in one patient, but in the other tw
o it was complex, resembling either a sum of several sine waves or a c
ycloid. When the predominant frequency of the nystagmus was low (1.8 H
z), oscillation of visually mediated vergence might have been responsi
ble; when the frequency was high (6 Hz), the nystagmus might have aris
en from an internal instability in connections between nucleus reticul
aris tegmenti pontis and cerebellar nucleus interpositus, which are im
portant for vergence control.