Motivationally responsive motor deficits may occur in isolation or as
part of more general neglect syndromes. We describe three patients wit
h two discrete syndromes of isolated motor neglect, differentiated pri
marily by their performance in motor tasks enacted within or toward th
e contralesional hemispace, The lesions in our patients likely disrupt
ed attentional interactions with two separable sensorimotor processing
subsystems. Physiologic data support the existence of a parietal-late
ral premotor circuit that processes information encoded in spatial coo
rdinates referenced to the extrapersonal environment and of a basal ga
nglionic-mesial premotor circuit that processes information mostly enc
oded in egocentric skeletomotor coordinates. The correlation of ischem
ic lesions resulting in hemispatial and directional biases in motor ne
glect with disruption of known physiologic subsystems may provide the
basis for rational cognitive rehabilitation of these higher-order moto
r deficits. These observations are supported by recent PET studies tha
t document the presence of specific attentional-motoric interactions w
ithin discrete processing components of a distributed sensorimotor att
entional network.